Good Books

 “In the case of good books, the point is not to see how many of them you can get through, but rather how many can get through to you.” —Mortimer J Adler

The Summer of 2020 was a time of unprecedented protest and reckoning around the world. The COVID-19 pandemic left us isolated and frightened for our family and friends. The epidemic of violence against communities of color by law enforcement brought police brutality and systemic racism to the forefront of American discourse and catalyzed a movement of activists, mothers, students, veterans to call for justice in our streets. Before our eyes, we saw the world change, explode, and my University of Oregon students wanted to give back. We created these books—books to bring comfort, to feed the soul, to unite, to rage and to inspire. Our hope is that with these books we can support and bring attention to organizations and communities who are dedicated to empowering and nurturing those who carry the heaviest burdens of economic and racial injustice. Each book is unique and reflects our own attempts to find comfort and meaning in these trying times. And each will benefit different organizations who are working tirelessly to bring aid to others. Thank you.

Recipes for Change

Cooking while Quarantined: Savory

Cooking while Quarantined: Savory

Cooking while Quarantined: Sweet (Coming Soon)

Cooking while Quarantined: Sweet (Coming Soon)

Creating Community

Create, Resist, Empower: Visions of Social Justice (Coming Soon)

Create, Resist, Empower: Visions of Social Justice (Coming Soon)

About Good Books